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File: demo.php

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  Classes of José Augusto Ferreira Franco   GTK warning messages   demo.php   Download  
File: demo.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: this file shows how it can be used
Class: GTK warning messages
Manage GTK windows displaying warning messages
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 1,622 bytes


Class file image Download

*@ pt Classe geradora de janelas de aviso
*@ en Warning messages generator class
*@ File demo.php - mostra como se utiliza || shows how to use it
*@ Author José Augusto Ferreira Franco
*@ Nick Guto Ferreira
*@ Pakage warnings.class.php
*@ Version 1.0
*@ Created on 8 July 2005 15:52 GMT
*@ Web
*@ Email
*@ Visit for live discussion
########################### --> IMPORTANT NOTICE <-- #############################
// pt :: Para usar esta classe deve carregar sempre a livraria do php-gtk
// en ::to use this class u always have to load the php-gtk dll

// pt :: Carrega a livraria do php-gtk
// en :: Loads the php-gtk librarie

// pt :: Carrega a classe GTKWarning
// en :: Loads the classe GTKWarning

require 'warnings.class.php';

// pt :: Instancia a classe e passa os valores pelos parâmetros da função
// en :: Instanciates the class and pass the values to function parameters

// pt :: A regra é usar apenas 5 espaços e palavras curtas
// en the rule is to place a text with only five space and short words
$win = new GTKWarning('This will be shown on window',"./info.xpm");

// :: pt entra em loop para mostrar a aplicação
 // :: en gets in loop to show the application
