Last Updated | | Ratings | | Unique User Downloads | | Download Rankings |
2024-06-14 (2 months ago) | | Not yet rated by the users | | Total: 10 | | All time: 11,395 This week: 59 |
Description | | Author |
This package can convert spreadsheet column letters to numbers.
It can take a string as a parameter with the letters of the spreadsheet column. Then it returns the respective numbers of the column.
The package can also do the opposite, i.e. covert a column number and return a string with the column letters. Innovation Award
June 2024
Number 3 |
Spreadsheets are popular applications often used to show financial values in a table that users can modify to suit their purposes.
Spreadsheet table columns have identifiers for the column position using letters.
This package can convert the spreadsheet position letters to the respective number of the column.
Manuel Lemos |
| |
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x
Winner: 1x |
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
use IrisSG\Test\ExcelConverter;
use IrisSG\Test\DisplayExcelColumns;
// Check if at least one command-line argument is provided
if (count($argv) < 2) {
echo "Please provide at least one value to be converted as argument.\n";
$arguments = $argv;
// lets remove the caller file
$converter = new ExcelConverter();
$convertedExcelColumnToConsole = new DisplayExcelColumns();
foreach($arguments as $argument) {
echo $convertedExcelColumnToConsole->format(
columnToBeConverted: $argument,
conversionResult: (is_numeric($argument) ? $converter->numberToTitle($argument) : $converter->titleToNumber($argument))
Task Name: Excel Sheet Column Letter to Column Number And Vice Versa.
Pick from C#, JavaScript or PHP to complete this task, it can be done in any IDE.
__PART 1__: Given a string (columnTitle) that represents the column title as it appears in an Excel sheet, return its corresponding column number.
| Input | Output |
| A | 1 |
| B | 2 |
| C | 3 |
| Z | 26 |
| AA | 27 |
| AB | 28 |
__PART 2__: Given a positive number, convert the number to the corresponding Excel column name.
| Input | Output |
| 26 | Z |
| 51 | AY |
| 52 | AZ |
| 80 | CB |
| 676 | YZ |
| 702 | ZZ |
| 705 | AAC |
Test from console
php ./index.php A 1 76 AAZ
Run test
./vendor/bin/phpunit ./tests/ExcelConverter/*
Applications that use this package |
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